

Extraction is a term we use when we need to pull a tooth/teeth. Tooth is slowly wiggled till it becomes loose in the socket and ready to come out. The extractions can be simple, surgical or impactions.

Simple extractions:

As the word describe, these are easy to remove teeth. Usually kids and young adults have softer bone and teeth are easier to come out. Adults who have bone loss may fall in this category too. Some anterior teeth are easier than posterior teeth.

Surgical Extractions:

Broken down teeth, teeth attached to the bone or patients with brittle bone or some posterior teeth may require additional steps to come out.

Wisdom Teeth/ Third molar extractions:

These can be:
Soft tissue impactions: The tooth is covered by soft tissue. Partial Bony: Where less than 50% tooth’s crown is imbedded in bone.

Complete Bony: Where more than 50% crown is imbedded in bone. Extractions can be performed in conjugation with one of the sedation options we offer. We recommend going for sedation options if you are getting your wisdom teeth removed.